Jamie Novak Podcast Episode 188 How to be Happy Again

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I Heart Radio

Apple Podcasts




On the show today Jamie shares how she made it a point to figure out, how to be happy again. Hear about her recent trip to Pennsylvania where she made her own cool and tasty treat.

Read the blog and catch up on episodes here. And if you don’t have a copy of Keep This Toss That I’d suggest picking one up today. You’ll find yourself highlighting pages and using it as an ongoing reference. Plus, it makes a great paperweight for the pile of papers you keep saying you’ll go through one day.

  1. Ten Tiny Tidy Ups this Summertime SAME title – NEW show
  2. How to Tidy Up & Get More Done this Summer SAME title – NEW show
  3. The Secret of 10 & 10 Organizing SAME title – NEW show

I hope you make it a point to do something today that makes you happy! Especially if you are trying to figure out how to be happy again.