Are you ready to organize shoes in coat closet? The first step is to pare down to only the shoes you wear. That means donating the ones that hurt your feet, are too tall or too small, are too tight or too loose. The ones with heels that are too high or too low, and the ones that pinch your toe. You can easily donate “still good” shoes to Soles4Souls through a local DSW Shoe Warehouse Store. Or pass them onto a local charitable organization or schedule a pick-up of donations, including shoes. Many organizations will accept single shoes. Sometimes they are used by crafters to create something new and sometimes times they are given to amputees. If you have specific shoes, like bowling shoes or horseback riding boots, then check with a local bowling alley or horse stable. They have the clientele who would value the shoes.
Check shoes carefully, when shoes are left in storage, many times, the shoe material will start to disintegrate. The plastic can break down and when you wear them they will start to break apart. Look for rusty buckles, zippers that won’t zip, and broken straps. If the shoe is worth repairing then book an appointment. Otherwise, sadly, it might be a situation where you need to toss it.
For the ones you are keeping, you can organize shoes in coat closet on a shoe rack. Either inside a small coat closet or in an entryway, a rack is a great option. It allows the shoes to breathe and you can see your options, which means you are easily grab the pair you want. You might consider slipping an outdoor rug or mat underneath the rack to catch any debris that falls off the shoes.
Walking into your home and NOT tripping over shoes is a quick win you’ll feel great about!