National Name Your Car Day

National Name Your Car Day

Let’s sort out the car door console on National Name Your Car Day.

Do you name your cars? Our family always did, growing up I learned to drive in Big Red, a burgundy station wagon. After that we had Chewy, a tan van, named after the character in Star Wars. Today, I drive Cali, a mini SUV that I bought in, you guessed it, California.

Sometimes naming inanimate objects helps when trying to stay organized. I always want Cali to look shiny on the outside and clutter-free on the inside. But sometimes naming inanimate objects deters us from getting organized. For example, my teddy bear Mr. Smush is a lot more difficult to part with, it would be easier if it was just a regular bear. Once I gave it a name, it took on a personality and that makes it more difficult to let go of.

So quick recap, name your car and clean it out, but don’t name your cute stuff!

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