Decluttering on National Punch Day
It is that time of year when we must reconsider all those punch bowls lingering in cabinets collecting dust. Is there one you could donate? If so try to schedule a pick-up. Sharing unused punch bowls is a perfect way to spend National Punch Day!
My Favorite Punch Recipe
If you love a refreshing punch, then my favorite recipe might be the one for you! Delicious and refreshing in the summer but sparkling and garnished for the holidays it is a pretty punch in the winter. In your punch bowl or container of your choice if (like me) you donated the punch bowl you never used – but now regret it because now you have my delicious recipe.
1 can of frozen lemonade concentrate
2 liter bottle of Ginger Ale
1 bag of pebble ice
1 English cucumber
Optional Garnishes and Substitutions:
-1 sliced lime (you can freeze the slices in ice to float)
-1/4 bag of fresh cranberries to float (gorgeous in the winter)
-a few sprigs of fresh mint (I do this when I sub in limeade concentrate for lemonade and switch Ginger Ale for Sprite)
A Personal Video from Me with Answers to Your Questions
Trying to get your decluttering done? I’ve seen it all, share your project now and I’ll record a personalized video for you, with the exact steps you need to take to calm the chaos.
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