Yesterday I spent most of the day thinking about what I would write for you as today’s “toss it” tip.
Honestly, nothing felt right. There are so many possibilities, think about it, the tip could be about anything!
- I considered a tip for under the kitchen sink
- I considered a tip for your linen closet
- I considered a tip for your handbag
- I considered a tip for your email inbox
- I considered a tip for your car
- I considered a tip for your laundry
- I considered a tip for your to-do list
Well, you get the idea. I considered lots and lots of ideas.
Then I realized something – all these tips (as helpful as they are) can make you feel inadequate and unsuccessful.
And I NEVER want you to feel anything but wildly successful and totally capable– because that is what you are! (Even if you don’t feel like it every second of every day, I know it is true.)
So today, instead of sharing yet another tip, I’m inviting you to simply stop for a moment.
Relax – breathe – and trust that you are doing just fine, I promise.
Sure some days you might feel more on top of things than other days, but overall you are doing a great job!
I’ll be back next Tuesday with another tip to help you simplify your life. Who knows, it might be a tip about:
- How to organize under the kitchen sink
- How to organize your linen closet
- How to organize your handbag
- How to organize your email inbox
- How to organize your car
- How to organize your laundry
- How to organize your to-do list
But today can we agree to recognize that we are making it happen.
Things are getting done!