Sell Your Stuff (a complete list)

If you have a box of stuff to sell at a yard sale – but you never have a yard sale – this is for you!

We talk a lot about donating items and that is a great way to share your stuff. But what if you want to sell the stuff?

Here is a helpful list:

  • Books at
  • China & china sets
  • Costume jewelry many consignment shops buy costume jewelry on the spot
  • Crafting supplies list them on
  • Electronics at NextWorth
  • Gift Card Granny buys your gift cards
  • Glassware
  • Hobby collectibles try a local hobby shop
  • Kid 2 Kid re-sells your children’s gear.
  • Photography equipment try a local camera repair shop
  • Play it Again Sports re-sells your used sporting equipment.
  • Silver
  • Specialty items (like hiking/camping equipment or sports stuff): try this is a site where like-minded people create in-person meet up groups. For example, a hiking group. You can email the administrator to ask if someone in the local group might be interested.

If you are more tech savvy then there are two apps for selling stuff, you can try LetGo and OfferUp.

And remember you don’t have to do this alone. If you like the idea of selling your stuff, but don’t like the idea of all the work that comes with it – then try hiring out the job. A local teen who typically babysits or does snow removal might be interested.


Without a deadline, the items are destined to sit (unsold) in a box. Team up with a friend or neighbor so you can hold each other accountable to the date you set.

*Did I miss a category of sellables? Let me know and I’ll see if I can find a source.

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