Donate Greeting Cards for Charity

Donate Greeting Cards for Charity

Ready for a quick win? A tiny summer project is cleaning out your greeting card file. And, if you have extra cards to share you can donate greeting cards for charity.

Place all the cards on a table. Sort them into categories. Check if you need to add any to your collection. If so, add those to your shopping list. Flip through the cards in each category. Are they all in good condition? Do you like them? Will you use them? If the answer is no, recycle them or donate them.

I use this organizer box to keep all my greeting cards sorted and stored away neatly. It is large enough to fit my oversize cards. No more misplaced envelopes. No more crunched card corners.

It is the perfect time of year to sort through your cards. Before buying new ones, use up the ones you have on hand for upcoming events. If there are any you can donate, this is what you can do with greetings cards:

Mail new or used cards (front only – no envelope) to: St. Jude’s Ranch for Children, 100 St. Jude’s St., Boulder City, NV 89005.

If that will not work for you, this is what else you can do to share your greeting cards today:

  • Gift them to a local day care center for the children to use in crafts.
  • Check with a local house of worship, sometimes they leave them out for anyone who needs them.
  • See if a local senior center might like them for residents to use.
Great Job!

If you were wondering, how to donate greeting cards for charity, now you know the answer! Hopefully these suggestions will be useful.

Keep This, Toss That (the book)

Tips like, how to donate greeting cards for charity, are in my new book, Keep This Toss That, pick up one today. If nothing else, it doubles as a great paperweight to hold down your pile of mail.

Related Tips:

What to do with expired coupons

Coming Up:

Join me online for this fun new program! 3 Mini Makeovers to Get Your Decluttering Done (30 Minute Class) Wednesday July 21st at 7:00 PM ET.

Declutter with Me Every Friday @4pm

Every Friday @ 4pm I’m on Facebook Live brought to you by the through the Jersey City Free Public Library. No registration is needed. Simply log onto at 4pm to watch the live with me. We do an on-the-spot organizing session!

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