National Neighbor Day

National Neighbor Day
Friendly neighbors can help you declutter. On National Neighbor Day here are some ways to get more organized, with the help of good neighbors:
  1. Share items, like lawn care equipment, sports gear, or lawn care supplies. You can either split the cost and share the item. Or you swap items as needed. That way you don’t each need your own.
  2. Pass along unused items to a neighbor who would use them item more than you are.
  3. Share subscriptions to things like magazines. Once read, pass it along.
Join me from home for these Free Online Workshops
TONIGHT Tuesday 9/28 7pm et Stop Losing Your Stuff
Wednesday 9/29 7pm et 9 Ways to Declutter Your Kitchen and Gain Valuable Space
Thursday 9/30 7pm et Organize for the Unexpected: create your emergency plan today
A Personal Video from Me with Answers to Your Questions

Trying to get your decluttering done? I’ve seen it all, share your project now and I’ll record a personalized video for you, with the exact steps you need to take to calm the chaos.

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